Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Good Night

I am going to sleep,
wish me a good night'
its been a tireless yearning
for a good good night.

The cold extends a warmth,
a warmth that would be reassuring
if you had slept beside me....
But,perhaps all i care for is a good night.

In desolation, I searched
in isolation, I did.
In the dreams you came by
and that is why, sometimes
I love the good night.

Like a bubble floating around
and leaves gliding in air
i am lost in you.....
it must be the good night.
yes, the good night.

Now,I think you have left
and then forever it will haunt me
your absence, your presence- that was,
a figment of my imagination.
I have lost the good night.

Now my thoughts stop
at this finite point
where i don't search anymore
for you, in the good night.

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