Sunday, September 28, 2008


I stand here today in stillness,
this minute seeming eternal.
It feels like an eternity of- sadness
the sin of expectation overpowering
perhaps the defined realities.
Even so, reverie is reality
for the mind, the heart.
Is it foolish to stand here
to endure careless pain,
accepting false promises,
building on murdered hopes,
wanting to win,
wanting to prove?

An inner voice talking, questioning
the strength of giving,
of having given,
in the small fragments of time
yet feeling so large.
Unnoticed, maybe
in the vastness
of the universe.
And still making a difference
in the concept of a life
in the knowledge of the world.

Cliches exist, and their followers,
different kinds, emotions and beliefs.
Actions unable to be- justified, understood.
Flowing like a river,
the very consequences,
of actions.
Piercing the other, speaking in silence,
like a thousand swords.
No satisfaction of blood,
no comfort of physical pain,
no happiness of dead thoughts.

The destruction that grips,
when trust becomes external
when ignorance kills
when dependency overpowers
wisdom optimises experience,
belief is consecrated,
love is self.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Perhaps the word evokes more questions than answers. Moreso for a woman?
Or so i have been sensitised. By what i see, what i hear and what i have been channelised to think. It is rather natural, to associate liberation with women, with countries, women in the countries. So what precisely would mean liberation for a country, empowering its women or if i could just change a little and question, what is liberation for a woman? A country, her country that will recognise her, respect her, give her the freedom she deserves, liberate her from restrictions, let her be............

Oh yes, it is,
a dreaded female foetus,
a shame.
She shall not be blessed,
with education, books or
symbolic of knowledge.
Cause it is not right.
It is not customary.
It is not practised.
Her smile -covered,
tears dried in seclusion
happiness, least priority.
But she can satisfy,
a man.
His needs, his wants,
his whims, fancies.
At his mercy, at his call.
She is there.

Men rule the world,
their power,justified.
It is right.
And it is customary.
No one can question,
birth rights of gender.
The prejudice in one,
the pride in another.