Saturday, August 8, 2009

i think u know all humans....they r selfish. i mean everyone. but sometimes we do brand people selfless. really now.. how?! oh ya ya, these are the clever ones. super people i says. the shrewdness with which they put things across, u wouldnt suspect a thing. but thats even worse than being selfish aint it?!? tell me about it!

like i will tell u how. very supposedly smart people ok. they will come and share everything with u. full open heart only. and they will also tell u that u are the onlyy one and only only person they ever shared things with(after the cats, dogs,buffalos, hens, cows) see target will hit only once no? but they will try with everyone. and then u could also be dumb enough to fall for it! u will! i did! everyone does. then sometime later u will realise! oh what a fool. and u know the best thing you could do is to not do that to anyone else. otherwise what is the whole point of realising only?? ya forget the parts where u sang praises about them with a trumpet and early morning cock a doodle do sounds.

now u must be wondering what has this got to do with being selfish? it totally has! see they want sympathy, support and doll in self pity. now i am gonna say something thats gonna rouse ur fury! u were an easy target! ya we all were at times. and sometimes we were doers too. but mostly by fault, in vain, in stupidity. now thats one kind of selfishness where there is seeking all attention through this inverted method. not clear? keep thinking about it and the brain shall enlighten thee!

the other kind are a little better. they will just plainly admit it and not try godly antics. shit i love u people ya. see u want something means u want it. say it on the persons face. why use shortcuts and u turns and gallis?? if u are scared that the person will judge you then he isnt even important enough to be told anything. doesnt deserve it. so say it. say it bloody hell. dont try to make urself a superhuman ... you are doin it at the other's cost.

and you're only getting a temporary high cause eventually they will realise.. and no one will be a bigger dumb ass :) sorry for the baaady lang. i hope its clear now.


1 comment:

do turkeys enjoy thanksgiving? said...

"nice one...felt related!" and cats donkeys,buffalo,cow etc!!! lol!!!